| Approval Addict |

To become the woman that God called you to be, it requires a flesh fight. A fight that says no matter what I feel (because as women we strive off our emotions), no matter what I see, no matter what I hear or no matter what I want, I will first and foremost know what God says about me. 

Over the past few months, I have seen a symptom show up in my life. I become bitter, angry and have a problem forgiving. I could not pin point why, but I recognized this symptom from a previous time in my life. 

I came to a point where I said, “No matter what anyone else in my life decides to do, I will fight against these fleshly feelings, pin point the problem, and it will be healed”. That is the point that answers began to come. 

I am an approval addict. I strive and live off others approval. There have been two people in my life that I always felt were approved by everyone, yet their lives were a mess. But I always felt like I had to work my butt off in order to never mess up so I could be the “favorite” and approved. 

The issue with this, was that I wasn’t looking to God to tell me who I am, what my worth is, or that he approves of me & that is the only approval I need. 

I recently taught a lesson on Faith for our Young Adults ministry. I taught on Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” It is always funny to me the things that God has you teach on, when really, He is trying to get your attention. I have been living so long off of what I could do, say or live by that I found my salvation in my works and not in God and His Grace. 

I have begun to focus completely on all of the things that God gave me, who He made me to be & how I would be absolutely nothing without Him. 

If you yourself are in this place where you’ve found your salvation and identity in others approval instead of in God, then you need to have a real talk with God. Ask him to show you who He is in you. An awesome book to help guide you through this is Joyce Meyer’s book “Approval Addiction: overcoming your need to please everyone”.