| Gossip |

God is always trying to teach us principles in our lives through situations that can prepare us for our future. These situations are typically caused by us not listening or not following Gods path for our lives. No one has ever handled a situation perfectly 100%, but we can learn the process of how to deal with our issues biblically. 

One issue I’ve seen rise up in the church recently is this constant battle with gossip. Every believer is told that gossip is wrong and that it is speaking death into others lives. The funny thing, is that it still happens everywhere. The most common trait associated with gossip is someone who is not spiritually mature. 

As a Christian, we typically talk about spiritual maturity in the same way as physical maturity, but just because a person may be physically 30, they may still be a baby Christian.

A spiritually mature person is a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. 

“Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. . . .You’re spoiled children, each wanting your own way” (James 4:1, 3b).

We need to learn to take those that are gossiping and figure out the spiritually immature aspects of their life to help them grow. It is our responsibility to help our pastor with his sheep, not hurt. Gossip is like a sword and when you listen to it, you are stabbing yourself. 

As believers, we know better. We must keep a pure heart to know the truth. We must learn how to speak often and use words when necessary. Start praying for God to give you a pure heart and see what He does. Be sure to be strong in your Word that you can stand strong against the trials. 

| Praise |

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

I constantly feel myself going in and out of different seasons. Seasons of sadness, seasons of joy, seasons of anxiety, seasons of strength, seasons of bitterness & seasons of peace. Throughout these past few months, I have been striving to find solid ground. Changes have come in every single area of my life. I have always said that I loved change, but then when push comes to shove, I can only handle so much. I know whom I have believed in, and I know where I find my strength, but where is it during all this chaos. I question why things happen, but never press in to find the reason.

I have had enough!

The devil comes to steal, kill & destroy (John 10:10). I have had this scripture memorized for the past 15+ years, and yet I forget the meaning so often. I forget that in my times of sadness, anxiety & bitterness, the enemy is trying to do everything to steal my joy, kill my strength & destroy my peace… and most of the time.. I let him.

I didn’t know what I could do to change anything. Sometimes, I just enjoyed sitting in my dirty diaper so that I didn’t have to do anything to change. Eventually you get to that point where you realize you stink, and the diaper rash is kicking in. You are beginning to fall into a pit.

So what does it take to get out of that pit. You know that you cant do it alone, but where do you start?

Start with Praise!

Start telling God how magnificent, powerful & graceful He is. Thank Him for the works He has done in your life & the things He is about to do. When you begin to fill your heart & mouth with praise, the devil loses. The devil is confused by our praise because we are still so thankful for what God has done that all the garbage isn’t important. Create in your heart an end point; a point where you know that God has called you to be. Once you have that point in your sights, begin to have faith that God will bring you do that point, and praise Him until you’re there.

“I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!”
Deuteronomy 32:3