| Sin |

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

There tends to always be that moment where something you just said may not have been the 100% truth. You think really hard about the absolute perfect story as to why you couldn’t do something with or for someone else. Well… You just lied! What you do from there is up to you. There is always a chance to say, never mind I’m sorry, I lied. Or, you can continue on with your story & hope no one asks specific on your story after the event you just “couldn’t make it to”. 
This doesn’t just apply to excuses why you can’t attend something or help someone. It happens all the time where someone tells a little white lie, and then has to tell another white lie to backup the initial lie. Well I’ll let you in on something I learned young in children’s church.. Lying is a sin! 

The church is running rapid with sin. Lying, cheating, stealing & familiarity are the ones rearing their head the most regularly. I feel that we’ve come into this season where the Lord is coming for a spotless bride and if you decide not to get your life right, He will use someone else! 

Now is the time to make that change. Repent & do a complete 180 from your sins. God will always give you the strength to do the things that appear too hard. Trust in Him. 

“All of Gods promises are yes and amen” 2 Cor 1:20